How to Clean Ducts Yourself?
Dirt somehow finds its way to important parts of your home duct system. Cleaning this system is a great way to maintaining the heating system – to ensure it lasts you a really long time. Aside ensuring you maintain the originality of your air ducts, regular cleaning is especially helpful for those with allergies. Though it may be difficult to reach every nook and cranny by cleaning the air duct yourself, you can be sure to cover all necessary parts of the system if you follow these useful tips.
Things You Would Need for Cleaning
Vacuum cleaner with a decent accessory hose
Vent brush – a brush close to a toilet brush or a stiff-bristle paintbrush will be fine.
Microfiber cleaning towels
Screwdriver or hex driver for the fasteners
DIY Duct Cleaning Guide
Remove the Register
It is pretty easy to remove air registers – just lift them up. By doing this, you would ensure they are safe from dust as you work. Once you remove the air register, wrap it up with a towel to keep safe.
Switch the Fan Mode On and Check the Filter
Switching the fan mode on would let the dust move out to the area you would be cleaning with your brush. It is best to set the thermostat to only the “fan on” mode while the “heat/cool” option is off. Also ensure your furnace filter is in its place so the dust you wipe off does not find its way to the fan motor.
Brush off Dust in the Ducts
Use your brush to wipe off any build-up of dust in the duct work – continuously wipe off the dust on any accessible duct in the basement to break up large deposits of dust.
Clean the Supply and Return Registers
You can now sweep off the dust in the supply register. As the vacuum is running and with the end of the hose close to the register, lift the register. With the fan on, use the hose to get off as much dust as is pushed out by the fan – use the hose to clean of dust as far into the register as possible. Then use the brush to wife off any deposits of dust in the register. Once you are done cleaning the supply registers, unscrew the return air registers and clean them. They usually gather more dust than the supply register.
Switch off the Fan and Furnace
Once you are done with cleaning the supply and return registers, switch off the fan and furnace through the service switch or the breaker panel so the power is completely turned off.
Remove the Panels and Clean the Blower Compartment
Since the power is now off, you can now remove the panels so you can assess the blower compartment. With the aid of your vacuum cleaner, sweep of any dirt deposits as this is where the bulk of the dirt would be. Ensure you clean the furnace fan very well too.
Get a New Furnace Filter
It would be best to purchase a new furnace filter to allow for better airflow to the fan. This would also increase the lifespan of your air duct system as the blower motor would not get unnecessarily hot.
Lavender Care offers professional air duct cleaning in Forth Worth and Dallas TX!